【#健康大家谈# | 结核病防治仍面临三大瓶颈】3月24日是世界防治结核病日,CGTN《健康大家谈》栏目对话首都医科大学附属北京胸科医院副院长李亮,探讨全球结核病防治在诊断、药物及疫苗等方面遇到的瓶颈及中国科学家们所作出的努力。彩蛋提示:在结核病疫苗匮乏的背景下,李医生所在的北京胸科医院自主研制的疫苗带来了好消息,而李医生也成为首个受试者。CGTN持续关注健康,未来会继续跟进结核病疫苗研制的最新动态。#世界防治结核病日##健康# March 24 marks World Tuberculosis (TB) Day. In an interview with CGTN, Dr Li Liang, vice president of Beijing Chest Hospital (affiliated with Capital Medical University), highlighted three persistent bottlenecks in global TB prevention: diagnosis delays, limited treatment options and the lack of effective vaccines. Amid the ongoing vaccine shortage, Chinese scientists have made strides – a TB vaccine developed by a Beijing Chest Hospital team has entered trials, with Dr Li himself becoming the first volunteer to receive it. This breakthrough offers hope in accelerating TB control efforts. CGTN remains dedicated to tracking global health challenges and will continue sharing updates on this critical vaccine research.