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【专访:力拓集团首席执行官石道成】力拓集团首席执行官石道成在2025年中国发展高层论坛上和CGTN主持人@Cynthia_GuanXin 分享了他对中国经济前景的见解,以及5%增长目标对全球资源需求的影响。他指出,中国的绿色转型正成为新的增长动力,特别是在铝、铜和电池材料等领域带来重要机遇。#中国发展高层论坛2025#In an exclusive interview with CGTN anchor Guan Xin, Rio Tinto Chief Executive Jakob Stausholm shared his insights on China's economic outlook, the impact of its 5% growth target, and the shifting landscape of global resource demand. He highlighted China's green transition as a key driver of new opportunities, particularly in aluminum, copper, and battery materials.

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