根据《金融时报》获得的内部邮件,德勤税务部门首席人才官Katie Zinn在通知中强调:"面对面的协作对工作成效至关重要,员工需确保每周有2-3天(50%时间)进行线下协作。"公司发言人证实政策调整时表示:"我们的混合办公模式并非一刀切,重点是根据项目需求、团队发展和员工福祉灵活调整。"
与此同时,像摩根大通和高盛这样的公司举措更为激进,它们要求员工每周必须在办公室工作五天。摩根大通首席执行官直言不讳地表示,那些不同意这一要求的人可以 “另谋高就”。
其他四大会计师事务所也围绕办公室出勤出台了新措施。据报道,去年,安永解雇了一些被发现在年度 “点燃学习周” 期间同时参加多个培训课程的员工。
普华永道也实施了更严格的出勤政策。去年9月,该公司告知其2.6万名英国员工,从 2025年1月起,他们每周至少需要有三天时间(即60%的工作时间)在办公室或客户工作地点办公。
为了监控员工对政策的遵守情况,普华永道计划像追踪可计费工时那样追踪员工到办公室的出勤情况。员工每月会收到一份关于其 “个人工作地点数据” 的报告,这些数据也会与他们的内部职业导师共享。
“在家工作的员工缺乏工作效率和专注力,到了下班时间,你应该注销账号、关闭电脑…… 把电脑留在办公室,然后回家陪伴家人”
'Being present at a Deloitte office or client site will now be considered in your ': Deloitte to employees as it links annual bonuses to office attendance
Deloitte has made office attendance a key factor in performance evaluations for its US tax division, requiring staff to be in the office at least 50% of the week. This policy follows similar actions by other major firms, including Google and PwC, which have also tightened attendance requirements.
Deloitte has reportedly informed its employees in the US tax division that annual bonus will be linked to office attendance. According to a Financial Times report, Deloitte employees are expected to be in the office for 50 per cent of the working week at least. The policy shift mirrors similar actions by other Big Four firms, including PwC and EY, as well as tech giant Google, which also linked office attendance to performance metrics.
According to a message sent to US tax staff and seen by the Financial Times, Deloitte stated, “Being present at a Deloitte office or client site will now be considered in your performance evaluations.” The email, sent by Katie Zinn, the tax practice's chief talent officer, further specified that staff should, “ensure in-person collaboration 2-3 days (50%) weekly.”
Confirming the policy change for US tax staff, a spokesperson said “Deloitte performs a tremendous range of work for our clients across many industries. Our hybrid model is not one-sized-fits-all. Our model is designed for clients, businesses, team leaders and professionals to co-locate when it matters most to the performance of our work and the development and wellbeing of our professionals.”
Deloitte’s hybrid policy takes a back seat
This shift deviates from Deloitte's usual hybrid policy, which provides flexibility to most of its 460,000 employees. The company's official policy, introduced three years ago, focuses on trust and autonomy, stating:
“The golden rule of our hybrid policy is that our people are trusted to decide how they work, in a way that works for their clients and colleagues too. We’ve seen the benefits of keeping the flexibility of hybrid and remote working without losing the opportunities to connect and collaborate in-person.”
As per a company insider, Deloitte’s US employees track their working location using a mix of badge swipes and timesheets. Many employers also monitor staff whereabouts by checking the location of computer logins.
Google, PwC and others implements stricter attendance policy
Deloitte is not alone in linking office attendance with performance. Google began the practice in 2023, telling staff that their compliance with the three-day office requirement would be factored into their reviews.
Meanwhile, companies like JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs have gone further, mandating five days of in-office work per week. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon has been blunt, stating that those who disagree with the mandate can “find work elsewhere.”
Other Big Four firms have also introduced new measures around office attendance. Last year, EY reportedly let go of staff members found to be attending simultaneous training sessions during the annual Ignite Learning Week.
EY staff are required to complete a set number of courses to earn credit points for career progression. However, some employees were attending overlapping sessions to gain double points. Those dismissed insisted the double attendance was due to scheduling conflicts, not an attempt to bypass requirements.
PwC also implemented stricter attendance policies. In September, the firm informed its 26,000 U.K. employees that, starting in January 2025, they would need to be in the office or at client sites at least three days a week, or 60% of their time.
To monitor compliance, PwC plans to track office visits similarly to how it tracks billable hours. Employees will receive monthly reports of their “individual working location data,” which will also be shared with their internal career coaches.