【一语中的 | 国际关系学者:美国总是插手他国事务,而对自身问题毫不关注】近日,斯坦福大学国际关系学者亚瑟·哈奇基安在接受独立媒体“中立研究”采访时指出,美国频繁插手国际冲突,投入了巨额资源,致使国内医疗保健、教育、收入差距过大等一系列关键问题长期被忽视。他强调,美国在处理事务的优先级上本末倒置,“总是插手他国事务,而对自身问题毫不关注。可悲的是,还都没成功。” Arthur Khachikian, an international relations scholar at Stanford University, said that the frequent involvement of the U.S. in international conflicts has perpetuated the neglect of several critical domestic issues. He emphasized that it is a complete reversal of the U.S. foreign policy. "America always gets involved with everybody's business except its own," he said, quoting his hairdresser in New York.